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Sunday at the International Steampunk City in Morristown, NJ

Aired: October 26th, 2012

On a cold rainy October 7th if you were to venture into the heart of Central New Jersey you would have discovered the International Steampunk City in Morristown off of Speedwell Ave, hosted by Jeff Mach and the Friends of Historical Speedwell. The day consisted of performances in the Carriage House Green as well as tours of the different buildings on the property such as the Wheelhouse, Factory, Ironworks Exhibit and the Vail House, where the once owner of the property lived. Entertainment included a band that you may have seen if you’ve attended Wicked Faire, A Halo Called Fred, the burlesque group “White Elephant Burlesque Society” who have also been seen at Wicked Faire and Steampunk Worlds Faire, as well as a belly dancing group “Troupe Syn”. There was also a talk on Demonology conducted by the paranormal investigator Kevin Meares. His website is http://demonologyresearch.webs.com/ if you would like to learn more on his research of the paranormal. Historical Speedwell I learned is where the telegraph was invented and there is a whole exhibit in the Factory explaining how it came to be. The end of the day brought those of us who stuck around to the end to the Vail House where ghost stories were told and someone even claimed to have seen a ghost of a man whose picture hung in the parlor of the Vail House. For any one living in New Jersey or nearby who is looking for a nice day trip, check out the events going on at Historical Speedwell and learn some interesting history that took place right in your backyard. http://www.morrisparks.net/speedwell/home.html

– Megan

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