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Helping Kevin Lillard

Aired: October 11th, 2012

At cons, there are many outlets covering the con. Photographers, podcasters, videographers. While I’ve been traveling to cons for over a decade now, with 6 years being involved with media relations, I learned a lot from the people who attend the conventions. At cons, each media outlet doesn’t compete with each other. In fact, we all get along and we all support each other.

Some con goer’s may remember a site called “A Fan’s View,” run by Kevin Lillard. It was a website with convention reports and photos from 1998 to when the site closed in 2009. Earlier today, we got word from his Facebook account that he is now homeless. Earlier today he posted:

When you live in your car in an abandoned parking lot along a major interstate highway, you see interesting traffic from time to time. Around 8 a.m., eastbound sirens announced the approach of police traffic,led by a plain white box van with a large door on the left side, followed closely by an armed personnel carrier. It took a moment before I recognized the two vehicles, which I had seen on the streets during my now-ended career a s a reporter for the Indianapolis Star. I saw those same two vehicles downtown a couple of years ago when covering a so-called bomb threat involving a man who had left a backpack next to what was then the police department’s downtown district headquarters. The white box van carries the police department’s tactical robot so the small convoy must have been headed to a SWAT call out.

I’m in he same position of life as the street person whose backpack led to that fuss of years ago. Out of work and out of money, I’ve been living in my car for the last month, spending days at a nearby library, sending out mostly ignored online job applications. Already there’s no money to buy food and the last things to eat were some peanuts from a vending machine at the Anderson newspaper where I had my last job interview. I spent my last change to make a 50-cent call at a pay phone hoping to speak to a recruiter and reached only voice mail. The car where I’ve been living started running out of fuel on the way to the library and I barely got there. With no money there will be no fuel and no way to go from place to place. Even if there is another job offer there will be no way to get there,with no money and no fuel. Unless there’s some sort of miracle,this is the end of any hopes I had. All of the prayers have been answered with messages of failure. This is where we have learned what God really wants.
 Today, ACParadise is asking to help a friend. Money can be sent to his PayPal link below.


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