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NYAF 2011 – Takeuchi Junko Panel

Aired: November 2nd, 2011

With the appearance of Takeuchi Junko-san appearing at the con, Viz pulled out all the stops for this promotional opportunity. The first hint of Viz (or Naruto) taking over was with the question by the host: “Does everyone have a headband?” With hands raised, a Naruto cosplayer ran about handing them to the masses who proceeded to place them on their heads and other body parts to show support for their Queen of seiyuus that will soon step into the room.

The panel opened with the promise of goodies and special announcements. They first announced the movie Naruto Shippudan: Bonds which will come out on download-to-own, Bluray and Dvd on Oct. 25 with the premiere on Oct. 15, the next day. The premiere was held at the SVA Theater (a ‘secret’ location since they wouldn’t mention the theater’s name…though they left it on the presentation…accidentally?) Of course, tickets needed to be bought in order to attend the screening, but fans whose questions were selected during the Q&A will be given 2 tickets.

The way the Q&A was held was ideal for a group this large and I wish more panels were done in this fashion. Those who had a question would write them on paper and they were collected at the start of the panel. Then the staff sorted out the questions. This highlights interesting questions and eliminates the time wasted on the gushing of fans that usually occur. ‘I love you, Junko!’ (Not that gushing is a bad thing, just that it takes away time when Takeuchi-san could be expounding her life experiences.)

Even with the movie tickets being that rare, the host hinted at the possibility of obtaining tickets by going to the booth and asking the staff very nicely. That’s a pretty big hint!

To promote the series and movie, Hulu streamed the subbed and dubbed versions of Naruto movies 1-3 and sub only of the first Shippuden movie until Oct. 23. On Oct. 20, the movie Bonds would also be streaming for a limited time.

Naruto boxet 9 has already been annouced to be released in Jan. 2012, but the same episodes are available to download-to-own. Bandai will be releasing the Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Impact PSP the following week…but all premiere attendees will receive a copy of the game. The first 200 people who are in the line to enter the theater will receive a special Japan-only plushie.

Other products that will be released are the trading card tins and Naruto and Sasuke figures from Toynami. Vol. 53 of the manga is available digitally now with the print available on Dec. 6. The latest character data book will be available in January which will cover up to vol. 43. “If you really want to test how smart of a shinobi you are, this is the book to get!”

Finally, the host announced the special guest with the cheers of the crowd in the background. To bring her to the stage, the host asked us to chant ‘Uzumaki’ when she said ‘Naruto’…. On the fourth call, Takeuchi Junko-san appeared speaking as Naruto, her voice almost drowned out by the screams and applause of the fans.

The Q&A opened with a clip from the Bonds movie, showing a scene of Naruto fighting…and appearing as Nine Tails.

The host announced that they’ll be answering audience questions next…but first a special video from a special voice actor: the English voice for Uzumaki Naruto, Maile Flanagan!

There was a long pause as the host has technical difficultly with continuing the video. “Somebody do the Sexy Jutsu hurry!” As we waited, Takeuchi-san took some voice requests from the audience. “No, thank you, dattebayo!” “Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!” The time then turned to audience questions.

Technical difficulty resolved, all attention turned back to our very own English speaking Naruto.

We return to audience questions.

There was a special giveaway for Naruto cosplayers. (Headbands don’t count!) All the cosplayers came before Takeuchi-san to be judged. Takeuchi-san picked out Naruto’s mother whom she greet as ‘mama’. The prize for the winners are two rilezu, post-production cels which she will sign. (Average price for Naruto rilezu could run from $300-$500. That’s not just any giveaway prize.) One of them was a full head shot of Naruto, easily $300. Add on the value of an autograph from Naruto herself…. <.<

Takeuchi-san commented on how difficult it was to choose. To eliminate, she stated that, “As Naruto, I can’t choose someone who is an Akatsuki cosplayer. Hai, Akatsuki nashi!” All Akatsuki cosplayers sat down…except for Kabuto. “Kabuto is Akatsuki, yet isn’t Akatsuki so he can stay for now. Mmm…what do you think? You’re madara!” Shrugging his shoulders, one Kabuto cosplayer sat down. To help her decide, each cosplayer was asked to say a few words. Some amusing comments were “Because I’m your mom.” followed by, “I don’t have a wig, but I’m your dad.” The audience loved “Because I believe one day, Sasuke will come back.” and Tsunade’s “Because you finally made me believe in myself.” A Gaara cosplayer said something meaning, “You were my inspiration since I was 12 years old….” to which Takeuchi-san commented, “Wait! That’s not very Gaara-like!” “I like you more than ramen!” I believe it was a Kakashi cosplayer who said, “Naruto, obey my order!” And finally, Sasuke, “Your first friend…and bitter rival.”

Takeuchi-san was definitely amused. “I have decided! My mother and father~” *audience starts clapping to which Takeuchi-san waved her hands for silence* “Let’s meet again someday. Let’s go! Kabuto! Because I actually like evil Kabuto as well. And…Tsunade!”

And with that, the panel concluded to the cheers of the crowds. For a Naruto panel, it was fantastic. It is rare to see a company do an outpouring of prizes as these, plugging for a movie that is already going to be well received. If it was not sold out then, it was sold out after that panel. It’s definitely a gift for the fans. Also, the rare opportunity for a seiyuu, an original voice to communicate with an English voice actress. To be able to respond honestly and with humor beyond the cultures. For Takeuchi-san’s first visit, I truly believe this was definitely a memorable one.

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