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NYAF 2011 – Mashima Hiro and Kodansha Panel

Aired: November 2nd, 2011

The host opened with the announcement of Mashima Hiro-sensei’s signing which will be held the next day at 11am with the same 6am ticket pickup. “For the diehard [fans].” It seems to be a convention of swag (moreso than usual,) with the next announcement being that first people who are on the line for the autographs will receive a choice of a shitajiki, character goods including key chains, stickers or notebook. (A raffle of ALL of these items will be done at the end of the panel….) Fairy Tail vol. 16 will be released on Nov. 2011, though there are 100 copies for sale at the Kodansha booth.

Announcements put aside for the time being, the host introduced Mashima Hiro-sensei to the floor. Mashima-sensei pulled out a script and spoke to the cheers of the crowd in English.

Mashima-sensei gave a drawing demonstration with a projector from his drawing board connected to the screens. It was such an honor and truly amazing to watch him draw live. With pencil and then later ink. The character that was created was Natsu.

While he was drawing, the host provided some information about the mangaka. His first published manga was Rave, published in the States as Rave Master. It ran for 35 volumes from 1995-2005. Monster Soul was his second work which consisted of two volumes in 2006-2007. Fairy Tail began in 2006. In 2003, he published a collection of short stories in Mashima-en. From 2007 to 2009, he published Monster Hunter Orage, tie in with the Capcom video game. Kodansha USA is releasing both Fairy Tail and Monster Hunter Orage, the 3rd vol. out in Nov. 2011. Funimation is releasing the English dub of Fairy Tail with the dvd release next month.

Mashima-sensei’s favorite food is pasta. His favorite manga is Berserk and he recently read and enjoyed ‘Batman: The Killing Joke.’ He often draws his inspirations from people in his life. Jason Thompson and the host himself, Dallas Middaugh had appeared in his manga (specifically Fairy Tail vol. 13.

Besides the piece of art that Mashima-sensei completed in full view, he drew 4 other character sketches that day which will also be included in the raffle.

The host inquired if Mashima-sensei would like to make a comment:

The drawing was completed with resounding applause from the audience. The Q&A session began by the host.

Then came audience questions.

The host request that the questions be restricted to the volumes that are already released in the US. Spoiler free questions…. Even with that warning, a few people inquired about the releases recently put out in Japan which prompted the response from Mashima-sensei: “Please look forward to it!”

The host presented vol. 13 via the projection screen…flipped to the page where he was a character. “Now my life is complete.” The four sketches were also shown on the screen: Erza, Loki, Lucy and Natsu with another Natsu being the one sketched at the beginning of the panel. Mashima-sensei drew the 5 winners and personalized the pictures.

More raffles promised for the end which included 10 tickets for the autographs and the toys…so people would be inclined to stay. Mashima-sensei exited the room as people applauded him out.

Time for Kodansha announcements! Kodansha began with the releases of Akira a few years ago, but recently started the full lineup with Sailor Moon and Codename: Sailor V in Sept. 13. Since the response was so huge for the title, they had to double their print run. The second volume of both series will be released on Nov. 16 with future releases on a bimonthly schedule. The omnibuses for Genshiken will be released on May 2012 with Kitchen Princess on June 2012. Shouts of ‘Overruled!’ sounded throughout the room as sequel to Phoenix Wright appeared on the screen, Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney which will be out May 2012. A “Monster hit in Japan”, Attack on Titan by Isayama Hajime sold over 5 million copies.

Kodansha Comics iPad App, their first step into digital manga. With the launch, all Fairy Tail manga will be $2.99 (for two weeks) and msot of other books at $4.99. The raffles was done followed by the Q&A.

When asked about when people can start lining up for the autograph tickets for Mashima-sensei, the host quipped that he had no idea. “I’ll be asleep then.” lol The conclusion of the panel was pretty messy considering that people started to leave right after the raffle. It was obvious, natural and everything, but still pretty rude, noisy and it was hard to obtain good answers even at that time.

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