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Otakon Digs Deep for Japan Relief

Aired: August 2nd, 2011

Baltimore, MD (Aug 2, 2011) – Otakon 2011 digs deep for Japan Relief and raises over
¥5,000,000 ($65,000).

In an unprecedented show of generosity and goodwill, members of Otakon 2011
including attendees, guests, industry partners, and staff raised $65,150 for Japan Relief.
The various efforts included merchandise (t-shirts, wristbands, buttons etc), Otakon
exclusive Madoka Magica posters, charity autograph session with Nobuo Uematsu, and
our hugely successful Charity Auction.

Some of the money was specifically earmarked for Japan Red Cross (posters, autograph
session) but the rest will go to these four charities as mentioned before:
●   Save the Children: Japan Earthquake Tsunami Children in Emergency Fund
●   The Japanese Red Cross Society
●   Second Harvest Japan
●   Habitat for Humanity Japan

We would like to thank our members for digging deep and proving that Otakon members are the best and we could not have done it without them.

We would also like to thank the members, industry partners, and guests who donated to make the Charity Auction a huge success.  The top 3 items at the auction were:

show Japan we care.

You SUPPORTED our efforts
by spreading the word and raising awareness in your own community.

You GAVE what you could
to help relief efforts.

Otakon 2012 will be held July 27–29 at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, MD.


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