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Anime Boston 2011 Review

Aired: May 11th, 2011

Anime Boston 2011 took place from April 22nd to April 24th at the Prudential Center at where else? Boston, Massachusetts.

Nearly 20,000 anime and gaming fans attended this year making it the most attended Anime Boston to date. There was also a surplus of guests such as Sean Schemmel who voiced Goku in the hit anime Dragonball Z Kai and the widely spontaneous Spike Spencer who voiced Shinji in Neon Genesis Evangellion.

There were a huge variety of panels and events to go to. Some of the more popular events included the always hilarious “Bad Anime Bad” and Greg Ayre’s “What Does Yaoi Have to do With That?” There was also the Melody Ball which sold out during online registration. The masquerade was also a hit which featured skits from shows such as “Soul Eater” and “Black Butler”

The crowd was generally friendly this year. I was able to talk to a bunch of students from Emerson College and they seemed to enjoy the atmosphere. There were also some annoyances also such as the sometimes unreasonable security and overly crowded main floor. However the annoying security only had to interfere a few times and the huge crowds were only during Saturday afternoon so it didn’t hinder the Anime Boston experience too much.

The venue was incredibly nice and convenient as always. The convention center is not only connected to the hotel but to a mall as well so guests don’t have to waste twelve dollars on a mere sandwich at the convention center. The mall also had a church so for all the attendees who were missing Easter service at their own town, could make it up at Anime Boston.

Anime Boston this year was a large but very well organized convention that only had a few problems regarding the unfair security and sometimes overly crowded areas.  Hopefully those two problems will be fixed next year for Anime Boston 2012.

I give Anime Boston a seven out of ten.

You can visit the Anime Boston site right here.

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