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NYAF 2010: Minori Chihara Spotlight Panel

Aired: October 21st, 2010

Minori Chihara, born in Utsunomiya, Tochigi Prefecture in Japan, debuted in the anime world in 2004 as the voice Aya Natsume in the series Tenjho Tenge. Since then, she’s tackled over 40 anime series, lending her voice both to characters as well as to theme songs. Notable roles include Minami Iwasaki in Lucky Star, Toa in Dragonaut, Raquel Mayol in My-Otome 0~S.ifr~, Chiaki Minami in Minami-ke, Nanaka Shirakawa in Da Capo II, Coopa in Tower of Druaga, Kagura Tsuchimiya in Ga-Rei -Zero-, Toka Ryumonbuchi in Saki, and Ekitoku Chouhi in Ikkitousen. She is most known as Yuki Nagato in the popular Melancholy of Haruhi Suzyumiya anime series, and in addition to voicing Yuki Nagato in the new Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya film, Ms. Chihara also performs its theme song, “Yasashii Boukyaku”. ~NYAF guest info

Turns out, one of the fans made a large (1000 pieces?) puzzle of Nagato Yuki to present to Chihara Minori-san. People have been signing the puzzle so I wrote something as well. (I think it was ‘We love you, Chihara-san!’ Didn’t want to make it too complicated since it’s in English. ^_^)

There was a no photographing policy with a 5 min. photo op for all at the end of the panel. The panel opened with them talking about the various events that will be going on. Bandai had TONS of Suzumiya Haruhi and K-on! events throughout the con. Chihara-san was introduced followed by a Q&A given by the moderator.

Now comes the audience questions:

Last words….

Time for pics!

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