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NYAF 2010: Black Butler Screening and Panel

Aired: October 21st, 2010

J. Michael Tatum and Ian Sinclair are a comedy team. They’re obvious fans of the series and they love fooling around with the crowd. Before the screening began, they started taking funny pictures with each other, ballroom dancing…the hilarity was endless.

Before the screening, they announced that Becca made a special introduction for the fans as well as the music video for ‘I’m Alive’…but since the video format wasn’t working, it will be placed online. They introduced director Ian Sinclair and Sebastian’s VA, J. Michael Tatum.

They presented the first two episodes which was good. Ciel’s voice was spot on and though Tatum’s voice took some time to get used to, it was well done. Everyone pointed out that Bardroy was suppose to be American…but I guess he spent some time in England so he developed an English accent as well. Definitely not a bad dub at all so I’m very happy with it. Strangely enough, instead of ‘Yes, My Lord’, much of that special line changed to ‘Yes, my young lord.’ We’ll see how it is in future episodes…. (Even the first Q&A addresses that.)

The girl who asked the last question presented her cape as a gift to Tatum. Of course, he had to wear it and the back saids, ‘I love Sebastian’.

That last line by Mr. Tatum was awesome. *applauds* Is great to see that they’re such fans of the series…as much as the fans themselves. Dvds release are 1/11/11.

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