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NYCC 2012 – JManga Presents: Masakazu Ishiguro

Aired: October 31st, 2012

Marketing VP Robert Newman opened the panel by greeting the crowd. They handed out the special clearfiles of Soredemo Machi wa Mwatteiru aka. And Yet the Town Moves that Ishiguro-sensei designed for NYCC. A quick runthrough of Jmanga was given. Its a site supported by 40 major Japanese publishing companies and the goal is to get manga and manga culture out to as many people as possible. Working closely with the publishers, editors and artists, manga can be published digitally, granting fans access to series that otherwise wouldn’t see a print release anytime soon. Their presence at NYCC is a thank you to fans and supporters of Jmanga…also to present their special guests, mangaka, Ishiguro Masakazu-sensei and his editor, Ohno Masahiro-san (whom Newman describes as shy. *Ohno-san hides his face in shyness*)

There were some major giveaways…that would help alot if people could use their phones. Such a smart idea: present a phone number and the first person who gets through the number at the giveaway time can receive the prize. Alas, since we’re in the lower floor and the Javits totally hates cellphones as the majority of us couldn’t use our phones. So we had a danceoff later on instead.

Besides the danceoff (held later,) Newman taught us a bit of Japanese…and to give away prizes. He gave away two dvds for Soremachi to people who shouted ‘Mitai!’ or ‘I want to see!’ the loudest. With the calls of ‘Hoshii!’ or ‘I want it!’, two iphone covers were given.

Mangaka Ishiguro-sensei is known for his distinct character designs and detailed backgrounds. I find that he is also known for his comedic storytelling style that is reflective in all of the works that he do, regardless of the genre or subject matter, one of the most unique being his mixture of horror and comedy.

Soremachi is about a highschool girl, Arashiyama Hotori who is working as a maid in a coffee shop turned maid cafe. The story surrounds the mishaps that Hotori and her friends gets into, mostly comedic, funny and touching at times. The situations can surprise you with the usual mixture of love, jokes and a bit of the mysterious with spirits…which suits Hotori just fine since she has a perchance for mystery. Jmanga released up to volume 9 thus far with the promise of vol. 10 not far away. Sentai Filmworks released the complete dvd with the 12 episodes.

Another release by Jmanga is the highly anticipated Present for Me, a collection of short one-shots by Ishiguro-sensei with a sci-fi, dramatic and comedic twist.

Ishiguro-sensei was asked to draw, but unfortunately, the setting of the light wasn’t the best. Everything was bathed in a yellow glow due to the light above the stage…and we couldn’t see anything until Ishiguro-sensei lifted the paper towards the projector. (Newman: Can anyone shoot out that light? *audience laughs*) The fans were very patient as Ishiguro-sensei graciously worked with the settings around him. To the thrill of the crowd, he drew Futaba Kon-senpai from Soremachi. The fans were asked to say ‘Kawaii!’ to win this rare prize. Much shouting and jumping later, Ishiguro-sensei wrote the winner’s name onto the piece as well as his own before giving it it him.

Newman began the Q&A with his own questions:

The floor opened for questions from the fans.

To switch things up a bit, Newman gave out vol. 10 to the one who shouts ‘Yomitai!’ or ‘I want to read!’ the loudest. Than back to our usual Q&A….

Any questions that fans wanted to ask Ishiguro-sensei are able to e-mail their questions to info@jmanga.com.

The crowd exploded during the closing giveaway…especially for the Nexus7. It was disappointing that the ANN/JManga giveaway couldn’t really be held since none of the ANN readers who signed up appeared. At least none of the names which were read out. Much of the winners were chosen by screaming, jumping and all in Newman’s line of view. Of course, I just took pics.) BTW, the dance off was hilarious since Hotori, one of the Jmanga staff cosplayers stood in the midst holding the Hotori figurine above her head…while the fans danced around her (without music.)

With that hilarious end, the panel closed. Those who received the prize could have Ishiguro-sensei sign them after the panel.

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