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NYCC 2012 – Japan Foundation Presents: Yu Asakawa

Aired: October 31st, 2012

The panel is unique on several levels. One is that the host is Danny Choo, a celebrity in his own right. He spoke British English very quickly and it was hard to follow him at times. His Japanese is fluent of course but thankfully was at a normal pace. Asakawa Yu actually spoke English quite fluently as well which made the panel go by faster covering many more subject areas. Her energy was amazing! Internet and tv personality, Choo really knew how to get the fans cheering and excited. He had us calling out Asakawa-san’s name to get her onto the stage. But before that came the ‘rules’. “All those folks with cameras out, you can continue to take photos. But if you’re going to use the flash, please turn the flash to face yourself…. *audience laughs* So turn the flash off, otherwise you will knock out Asakawa-san.”

There were calls of yes as the lyrics for the song, ‘Just be Friends’ was handed to the audience. The video was a clip from ‘Mikunopolis’ with Luka appearing holographically on stage to a crowd of concert attendees.

Asakawa sang along to the video. “It is the first time for me!” She did a few of the hand motions to the delight of the fans.

The floor was open to questions from the fans. Choo set the ground rules again. “You can’t ask about bank details or addresses.”

That is a common assumption in the US since recording equipment can be bought easily and material can just be sent via skype and e-mail. It is true but only up to a point. Due to the nature of dubbing work which is recording with individuals, the option of at home dubs can be made…with certain equipment in place. Most people create demo tapes at home but still record in a studio in the US. Japanese seiyuu work in a different setting since anime voices requires the cast to be at the studio at the same time, recording the scene together.

Choo blames the ‘chucking out time’ to the staff in the orange shirts and evil eyes. lol Asakawa-san gave her farewell remarks.

Asakawa-san ends with a picture of the crowd for her twitter.

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One Response to “NYCC 2012 – Japan Foundation Presents: Yu Asakawa”

  1. errrrrrrrrrrr, isn’t it ?

    by kml123e on 2014-05-04 at 9:10 pm

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